Gate Park Sun MekarsariTaman Tourism is one of tourist attractions in Bogor is a concept to create a model that maintains the garden tour germplasm collection of fruit trees, vegetables, and flowering plants. With a width of about 264-hectare garden Taman Wisata Matahari Bogor have species richness of fruit in Indonesia is in one location Deceit. It is also intended to develop high yielding varieties and breeding of fruit.

Mekarsari Park is one of the largest tropical fruit garden in the world with more than 100,000 plants of 78 families, 362 species, 1463 varieties, 37,000 plants. Located at Jalan Raya Jonggol Bogor, Bogor Mekarsari Park offers families a comfortable tour of natural shades and fruits, to get to the location, from Bogor we can use Jagorawi toll road, can enter through a door or doors toll Baranangsiang new BORR toll from the T-junction Statue of new road Drugs (Sholeh Iskandar-Pajajaran-Raya Bogor), from our highway out of the exit toll tickets Cibubur with Rp. 4500, -. Exiting the freeway Cibubur next door turn right and immediately take the right lane following the road towards Jonggol or Cikeas. Further follow Jonggol Bogor highway approximately 13 km, will be seen banners that show the right of the entrance to the Park Mekarsari.

Park Entrance Ticket Mekarsari

To enter the Park at the Main Gate Mekarsari we have to pay a ticket per person USD. 18.000, - and then charged to the vehicle: Car Rp. 10.000, - Bus Rp. 20.000, - Motor Rp. 3000, --
Ticket prices Mekarsari

Ticket prices Mekarsari

As for manikmati facilities in the Park Mekarsari we must pay in accordance with tariffs. Once into the parking lot and keep the car in the parking lot, then we walk into the park and given 3 options that can be followed by subordinates, namely Train to Nowhere, Garden Family and 3D Theater. Tickets for each of these vehicles can be seen on the picture next to that is, Train / Bus to Nowhere Rp. 10.000, -/orang, Theater 3 D Rp. 10.000, -/orang and Garden Family Rp. 3000, -/orang. Train / Bus Park Traveling Mekarsari
Mekarsari Park Bus to Nowhere

Mekarsari Park Bus to Nowhere
Train Round the Garden Mekarsari

Train Round the Garden Mekarsari

For the spin and look around the complex orchard Park Mekarsari we can use the train or bus provided by the Park management Mekarsari, with tickets costing Rp. 10.000, - we can look around the garden all in this Park. Starting from Garden Salak, Guava, Durian, and so on. During the trip we can stop to buy fruit that we enjoy.
Mekarsari garden garden

Cashew Plantation
kebuntamanmekarsari01-Mekarsari Park 300x240

Tourism Fruit

Fruit proverbial here fresh from the oven or completely fresh from the garden of excerpts in this Park.

Family Garden

If we do not want to get too far a walk, then we can go into a family orchard next to some of the entrance, in the garden, we can stroll while enjoying the small gardens with various varieties of fruit. In addition there is also a garden pond or small lake that is very comfortable to sit on the edge just eliminate fatigue and workload all day. When it was time for lunch, we can spread the mat that we bring or rent our garden to enjoy our lunch, or can also enjoy the food sold in this park complex, ranging from KFC and other traditional foods.

Theater 3 Dimensions

Choice but around the garden or road-base in the family garden, we can watch movies at Theater 3 dimensions with a variety of Dewi Sri, the available movies. At the time the family visited a few films shown at this theater are:
Theater 3 Dimensions

Theater 3 Dimensions

Outbond and Tourism Water

After we wandered around by using the train / bus provided by Mekarsari Park, then we will stop at the spacecraft Outbond and Tourism Water. Outbon program consists of: - Diagonal Cargo, Elvis Walk, Canopy Trail, Vertical Cargo, Pirates Crossing, Canopy Trail, and certainly the most exciting is the Flying Fox and other outbound programs. Outbound programs are organized by the Coconut Sabut Outbound ( - well too bad their website is offline). But in essence the luxury Outbond have Type 2 packets / programs, ie stem and program Program stick.

Midrib Outbond program at Rp. 35.000, -/orang packages as follows:
Midrib Outbond Mekarsari Park

Midrib Outbond Mekarsari Park

For Children

- Diagonal Cargo

- Elvis Walk

- Canopy Trail and

- Flying Fox


- Vertical Cargo

- Pirate Crossing

- Canopy Trail

and Flying Fox.

Stick with the program while the price of Rp. 32.000, -/orang provide outbound packages as follows:
Lidi outbound Mekarsari Park

Lidi outbound Mekarsari Park

For children;

- Diagonal Beam

- Quick Train

- Dino Boy and

- Flying Fox


- Diagonal Beam

- Boussen Chair

- Dino Boy and

- Flying Fox.

In addition to these two outbound programs, there are also war warfare programs using bullets paint (paint ball) consisting of 3 (three) program package, which is shooting targets with price Rp. 35.000, -/orang, Family War at Rp. 65.000, and Brave Hart -/orang at Rp. 85.000, -/orang.

Paint Ball Paint Wars Mekarsari Ball Tool
"Arin" BogorGuide Junior's Flying Fox

"Arin" BogorGuide Junior's Flying Fox

Then if we want the activities documented by outbound organizer of large-sized photos, then with an additional Rp. 20.000, - complete with flying fox followed waited 15 minutes, then we can go home with a photo documentation in action flying a flying fox. If we are tired of flying fox or a war we can do to freshen up activities by following the activities of a water ride vehicle spacecraft conducted in a large lake in this Mekarsari Park. Vehicle Mekarsari Water Park consists of:

Banana Boat Rp. 25,000 -/orang
Jet Ski Rp. 200.000, -/15 min
Dragon Boat Rp. 15,000, -/orang
Floating Donut Rp. 20,000, -/orang
Kano Boat Rp. 25,000 -/orang
KayakRp boat. 15,000, -/perahu
Traditional Boat Rp. 10,000 -/orang
Giant Bubble Rp. 20,000, -/orang
Bungee trampoline Rp. 20,000, -/orang
Angkasa Bola Rp. 20,000, -/orang
Big Baloon Rp. 30.000, -/orang

Okay then, I think it is pretty long article too ya, hopefully good enough for the tourists who want to visit the park Mekarsari Tour. So safe holiday travel safe and pleasant nature, and for more information and details, please contact the management of the Sun Park Nature Trail er ... Mekarsari Bogor at the following address:


Jl. Raya Cileungsi - Jonggol Km.03, Kab. 16820th Bogor.

Tlp. (021) 823 1822 -24, (021) 823 1811 -13 Fax. (021) 8231825